Shortly after I decided to move forward with this podcast, I had a week where all of the voice actors coming in for sessions happened to have history as NYC DJs. I mentioned in passing that it might be fun to do a podcast episode devoted to that part of the business. So we set a date and all gathered together at the studio to record the episode.
As has been mentioned in the show, the entire project got shelved when Covid hit. In fact the isolation of lockdown gave birth to another series I created called Everyday Odysseys. But now I'm releasing new episodes and dusting off the older ones recorded before lockdown.
Click here to watch a video clip of Sandy Ames discussing radio, podcasting and the human elements. Click here to watch Joey Kramer discussing how we listen to music and the transition to a streaming world.
Sandy Ames (known to NY area folks as Jamie Lee on Lite FM and previously on WPLJ), Joey Kramer (also from WPLJ and ABC) and Malikha Mallette (NY's Power 105) met with me for a round table discussion on the state of radio, the impact of streaming music, the effect of Sirius XM and more.
Listen everywhere you get your podcasts!
Thanks as always to John Beach for voicing the show open and to Christina Andretta for her in show announcements.